Looking for an instant answer to a question?

Please check the FAQ below. You are welcomed to email us if you have any questions.

How can I register class?

You can visit our website to check the courses we have http://happyvalleyartschool.com/recent-courses/. Once you click the orange “Register” button, it will take you to our registration website. Just choose the time and course you want to register and follow the steps. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us (info@happyvalleyartschool.com).

Can we try one class?

Yes, of course. Your child can try one class for free. Please email the school (info@happyvalleyartschool.com) to arrange a trial class.

What kinds of payment methods do you accept?

We accept a variety of payment methods. You can bring in checks and cash to the school. We also accept online payments with credit cards and Paypal. However, online payment will charge 3% of process fee.

How can I make up class?

You can make up classes WITHIN the same session. You can make up as many classes as you want. In order to make up class, please notify the school by filling the “make up class form” (https://goo.gl/4Vis4R) as least 24 hours in advance.

Do I need to bring any art supplies?

No. Art supplies are all provided by school. The only thing we highly recommend students to bring is a sketch book. You can bring a sketch book of any size. The sketch book is for students to draw their design ideas, practice drawing, and finish their assignments.

Can my child join in the middle of the session?

Yes, of course. You child can join any time during the session. If you join in the middle, we will prorate the tuition.

Do you offer summer camp class?

Yes, of course. We offer a variety of summer camps that combine art, STEM, and creative writing together. You can visit our website for summer camp details (http://happyvalleyartschool.com/recent-courses/#summercamp).

Do you help high schoolers to prepare portfolios for AP Studio Art and college application?

Yes, of course. Our school is really good at building a solid foundation for art creation and inspiring high schoolers to create an eye-catchy portfolio for their AP Studio Art and college application. The AP Portfolio course is designed especially for this case. Please check our website for AP Portfolio course.